Thank you to @UnabatedSam on Twitter for sharing this guest post about his early sexual explorations that led him to enjoying a danger or as he calls it, a risky wank!
Danger Wank: Wanking, though I must admit that the word does not evoke the emotion that masturbation does, has been a love since I was very young. Once that barrier was broken, or shall we say once that barrier was over’cum’, there was no going back from the lovely world I discovered. Masturbation became the world that I escaped to, very frequently, not for anything else but for the sheer pleasure, for the sheer joy, for the sheer thrill!
Back in the day, and when access to pornography was limited, I remember that there were certain TV serials that contained risqué, wild, material; and plotting to watch them (alone of course) was a big activity of mine. I count that as Danger Wank because the window of being alone at home was small. Mother would come home from work, my sister would wake up, dad would arrive, a cousin would knock at the door to call me to come play outside; the possibilities of getting stopped midway were plentiful
Gradually, with teenage years arriving, the alone time increased. Less questions were asked, ‘studying’ late in the night became a norm, and thus the opportunities for a wank increased, and so did the frequency. Thrice a day was normal back then. But the “danger” part of it continued. Back from school in the afternoon, a quick shower and the need to cum in those few minutes before getting to the table to eat demanded some risk action. The hard-on of a horny teenager would stay for quite some time after cumming; hiding that was often a challenge. Frivolous as it may sound, but I used to set a target for myself sometimes, to cum in certain time, in certain settings. Sometimes when friends of parents would be round and the conversation got boring I would escape to the wash-room to have a quick wank.
After moving out of home and finding a girlfriend in college, the danger wank took on new shapes and forms. We loved going to parks, largely because that was the only place to go. And in the park, horny new bunnies would engage in risky wanks. I would slide my hands into her pants and rub her swollen clit and finger her wet pussy. Though it was more difficult to get out my cock, it was achieved quite a few times, under a bag, using her sweater, etc. Those were the days!
Our love for outdoors definitely started in those days. And then there was the college classroom. When left alone during lunch break, my girlfriend would blow me. Almost each day. With doors open and with the the risk of anyone entering anytime. We were nearly caught few times, but never explicitly. It was all a lot of sexy fun.
Into the adult life, the risk wank or danger wank continues, but I guess this is a good enough sneak peek to the reader about me and my masturbatory adventures for now!
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