Kink of the Week August 16-31: Sea/Ocean
Are you a Thalassophile?
According to the Urban Dictionary a Thalassophile is someone who loves the sea/ocean. I don’t know if this is a kink or a fetish but I do know that for many people the sea is a source of calm and inspiration among other things so what about you?
Does the crash of waves on the shore get your blood pumping? Do you love the light and sound and smell of the sea? Perhaps it also inspires a specific memory in you? Are you lucky enough to live near the sea or do you have to make a special trip to spend time at the shore. Maybe the beach is not enough for you and like to sail or go on cruises? What about swimming in the sea? Is there just something about the ocean that makes you feel alive and happy?
Alternatively maybe you hate it. Maybe the thought of the beach is your idea of hell, if so why is that?
Remember fiction is absolutely welcomed here on Kink of the Week and I feel like this subject lends itself perfect to being explored through story telling.
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Sea/Ocean
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The linky tool closes at 11am (UK time) on the 1st September

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